2025 Laity Working in the Catholic Church Survey

In order to understand the life and ministry/service/work of today's lay leaders in parishes, dioceses, and Catholic ministries, the National Association for Lay Ministry is conducting the 2025 Laity Working in the Catholic Church Survey.

Much has changed in the past decade and this survey is a way to understand and interpret the new context by better understanding lay people who are engaged in the Church's ministry today.

With this understanding NALM and collaborating Catholic organizations can discern how to provide support, advocacy, and formation for lay people engaged in Church service/work.

Survey details:

  • 37 questions
  • 20-25 minutes to complete
  • Anyone currently active in ministry/ work/service (for example, would not include someone who is retired and no longer active in any ministry)
  • Available in English and Spanish
  • Anyone in ministry can answer / send to colleagues

Survey results will be shared on the NALM website, and discussed at NALM's 2025 Summit for Lay Ministry Leaders. Registration for the Summit will begin in early February. Please complete the survey by March 1, 2025.

Take Survey in English