NIMYA_Formation_series_flyer_(1).pngForming Community w/young adults in various life stages, college-age, single, families, single parents & integrating all age groups.

Join us for a formation series with scholars, practitioners, and young adults. A four-part series on how to develop relationships and form community with young adults with a variety of age groups and ministry contexts. This is an educational series to help ministry leaders learn more about young adults and what it means to form community with them. We will have a scholar present along with a panel of ministry experts and young adults.

Each individual session costs $23 a la carte and $50 to REGISTER for the remaining three sessions of the series.

Tuesday, February 28th: Forming Community with College-Age Young Adults

Speaker: Tracey Lamont, Ph.D., Director of the Loyola Institute for Ministry and Assistant Professor of religious education and young adult ministry.

Panel Response: José Jullián Matos Auffant, Executive Director of the Marianist Tecaboca Camp and Retreat Center.

Young Adult Responder: Viviana Morales, Coordinator of Youth and Young Adults, St. Michael Parish, and College student University of San Diego

Tuesday, March 14th: Forming Community with Single Young Adults

Speaker: Dr. Timothy O’Malley, Author of Off the Hook: God, Love, Dating, and Marriage in a Hookup World and director of education at the McGrath Institute for Church Life and academic director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy.  

Panel Response: Panelist Pamela Poe (Director of Communications, Cathedral Catholic High  School, Associate Director of the Office for Young Adult Ministry for Diocese of San Diego, 2017-2023) and Pete Burak Vice President of Renewal Ministries and Director of id, the young adult outreach of Renewal Ministries

Young Adult Responders: Tanner Jauregui & Tiffany Do young adult leaders from the Diocese of Orange

Tuesday March 28th: Forming Community with Young Families & Single Parents

Speaker: Dr. Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Hispanic Ministry and Religious Education, author of  Young Latino Catholics Stories of Faith  

Panel Response: Fr. Tri Dinh, S.J., Director of Christus Ministries

Young Adult Responder:  Cecilia Flores, Sacramento ACT; Narrative & Communications Strategist

Tuesday, April 11th: Coming Together, Integrating Young Adults in the Life of the Church

Speaker: Dr. timone davis, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology, with an emphasis in Black Catholic Theology, author of Intergenerational Catechesis: Revitalizing Faith through African-American Storytelling

Panel Response: Diana Hancharenko, Young Adult Minister, St. Angela Merci Parish, Youngstown recent consultant to the USCCB

Young Adult Responder: TBD

REGISTER for the formation series HERE.

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